Review: Systematic Theology by Robert Letham

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About the Author
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Quick Facts

This single-volume systematic theology seeks to provide a clear and concise articulation of the Reformed faith, rooted in historical teaching while addressing current challenges in the life of the church.

Language: English
Audience: For an educated audience. Refers to certain historical figures or uses certain terminology without explanation. Occasionally prints the original Hebrew or Greek script (usually with transliteration).
Writing Style: Formal, yet approachable
Notes: Footnotes

About the Author

Robert Letham (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is professor of systematic and historical theology at Union School of Theology. A Presbyterian minister with twenty-five years of pastoral experience, he is the author of many books, including The Work of Christ; The Holy Trinity; and Union with Christ. (from the inside back cover)

Book Summary

This is a single volume systematic theology dealing with all the traditional categories of theology (e.g. theology proper, doctrine of Scripture, Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology). Its thirty-one chapters are structured according to eight parts, together with an introduction, appendices, and glossary:

Part 1: The Triune God
Part 2: The Word of God
Part 3: The Works of God
Part 4: The Image of God
Part 5: The Covenant of God
Part 6: Christ, the Son of God
Part 7: The Spirit of God and the People of God
Part 8: The Ultimate Purposes of God
Appendix 1: Main Interpretations of Genesis 1
Appendix 2: Historic Creeds


This is an excellent book and a pleasure to read. Letham skillfully interacts with the tradition, from Irenaeus, to Origen, to Augustine, to Aquinas, to Calvin, to Barth. Of course, it is a single volume work and must be careful how it uses its space. Nevertheless, Letham manages to establish the traditional orthodox position and respond to critiques and counterproposals. All in all, Letham sticks very close to the judgments of the Westminster Assembly. In many places, Letham offers exegesis of the relevant biblical passages to support his arguments.

Some of the features that make this book a pleasure to read are Letham’s delightful prose, his knowledge of the early Reformed and Eastern Orthodox traditions, his occasional use of hymns and prayers, and his sense of humour.

Writing Style5
Content Quality5
Production Quality5
Total5 / 5

Where to Buy

This book is available from many book sellers. One place it is available is Book Depository.

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