Prayer: Week of July 4, 2021

Eternal God, Giver of Life, Source of all good things, satisfy all our desires. In this world, we are surrounded by good things that attract our gaze, but show us just how much more wonderful you are. Sometimes we are also seduced by what sparkles in a twisted way; deliver us from this bondage to sin. The Spirit of Christ in us testifies to Your greatness and to Your excellence. Nothing in this world can be compared to You. You are our portion and our inheritance, and therefore we are the richest of all people. To You be the glory, Continue reading Prayer: Week of July 4, 2021

Prayer: Week of Feb 14, 2021

Eternal God, You have always been and You will always exist. You are stability itself. We, however, are fragile. We are made of flesh that cannot last. We sweat and we fall. We strive to understand the great mysteries of creation. Our end is always before us, preoccupying us. Do not forget us. Hold us so that we do not fall. Make us strong in faith so that we do not waver. You are our stability. You are our assurance. You are the Alpha and the Omega, He who is and who was and who is to come, always. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Jan 3, 2021

Eternal God, we pay homage to your wisdom, which surpasses our comprehension and even our imagination. What human would have imagined a plan of salvation like that revealed in Scripture? Who could imagine that the Almighty would come among us so as to be terribly mistreated by His creation? Lord, blessed be your name in all the earth! Give us the faith and courage to entrust ourselves to Your plan and to Your goodness. Often we cannot see what you are doing, but our night is light for you. Help us to trust in your wisdom. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Dec 20, 2020

Dear eternal God, what a marvel to contemplate your glory and your might confined to a mortal body! We can but imagine the awe and wonder of those who held the eternal Son in their arms, or of those who sat with the Creator of all things to eat bread, at the moment when they understood that something extraordinary was happening before their mortal eyes. What joy to contemplate, even imperfectly, our future in the new earth beside Jesus our Lord, the Master who became a friend. Thank you. In the name of Jesus, amen.