Prayer: Week of Feb 21, 2021

Holy Spirit, Master and Vivifier of the Church, transform us completely. Make us, Jesus’ disciples, into an unshakeable unity in this fragmented world. Give us the inexhaustible desire to love our neighbour the way that Jesus loves us. Put in us a heart of prayer and a spirit of patience. God is at work. We know it. Help us to wait for Him, to slow down enough to see Him in action. Help us to live the life of prayer and not simply to sprinkle prayer over a mediocre life. May our desire be for the Lord Himself. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Dec 6, 2020

Holy Spirit, you who give life, come again to refresh your Church. Distracted in the world, we are feeble and dry. Direct us again to concentrate on Jesus, the living Word, who is our life and our salvation, who is love itself. Give us the desire to follow Jesus, both in His triumph and in His suffering. Direct us to the mission that Jesus left us, for the sake of those who have not yet tasted immortality and who are fixated upon that which cannot satisfy. Refresh us. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.