Prayer: Week of August 22, 2021

Lord, You are greater than the politicians of this earth, greater than the gods of the nations, greater than our science and our culture. You are wholly other. You are beyond our understanding. That is why You have revealed Your character through the prophets and by becoming a man, Jesus Christ. That is why you forbid us from serving You in our own way. Guide us, Lord, by Your Spirit and through Your Word, that we may better know You and serve You. Produce in us Your very own holiness so that our neighbours may see how great and just Continue reading Prayer: Week of August 22, 2021

Prayer: Week of April 25, 2021

Only and everlasting God, King of kings, Lord of lords, protect us from the grievous and very human tendency to create gods after our own image or according to our limited conceptions. The sin of the golden calf at Mount Sinai is never far from the human heart. Illuminate Your holy Word for us and give us the desire to understand and obey it. Help us to fix our concentration on Jesus, who is the ultimate revelation of Your nature and character. Father, we want to worship you in spirit and in truth. Grant us that grace for Your glory. Continue reading Prayer: Week of April 25, 2021