Prayer: Week of August 22, 2021

Lord, You are greater than the politicians of this earth, greater than the gods of the nations, greater than our science and our culture. You are wholly other. You are beyond our understanding. That is why You have revealed Your character through the prophets and by becoming a man, Jesus Christ. That is why you forbid us from serving You in our own way. Guide us, Lord, by Your Spirit and through Your Word, that we may better know You and serve You. Produce in us Your very own holiness so that our neighbours may see how great and just Continue reading Prayer: Week of August 22, 2021

Prayer: Week of Oct 25, 2020

Lord, Light of the nations, you who are at once love and wisdom, guide us in these uncertain times. Life becomes complicated everywhere; everywhere there is sickness, everywhere there is politics. As individuals, we need your wisdom. As neighbourhoods, cities, regions, provinces, and countries, we need your wisdom. Give us some of your infinite love that we may better love our neighbour in concrete ways during these murky times. Give us some of your stunning light that we may present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are blind without knowing it. All for your glory. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Oct 11, 2020

Lord Jesus, you who so loved us that you were ready to trade away everything to acquire us; to attract us to yourself, cleanse us from our filthiness, reclothe us in pure garments, and guide us by the hand – give us now, today, the grace to be able, we too, to die to ourselves; to be able to trade away our own advantage for the advantage of others, those near and those far away. By your grace did we begin this journey, and by your grace alone will we continue. It is for your glory that we ask this. Continue reading Prayer: Week of Oct 11, 2020