Prayer: Week of Dec 13, 2020

God, our Saviour, what an honour to be counted among your children! Fill us with joy, knowing that nothing can separate us from your eternal and indestructible love. In this world we suffer, but not forever! There will be an end to what troubles us; end to sorrow; end, even, to death. Help us, Lord, to wait joyfully for the new world you promise us, where we will finally be like Jesus, our brother. Give us joy, knowing that victory is certain and that the celebration will be glorious. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, amen.

Prayer: Week of Nov 8, 2020

God, our Saviour, we pray for those who do harm in this world and who have the desire in their heart to do harm. By such harm, they make of us their enemies. We pray, Lord, that you would give us a powerful love for these people. They are lost, often without knowing it, and they need your grace. We pray that you would work in their hearts by your Holy Spirit and that you would send them witnesses to your Word. Save them, Lord. The impossible is possible for you. All for your glory. Amen.