Prayer: Week of August 1, 2021

Prince of Peace, guard our hearts and our minds. Tomorrow’s food escapes us, our dreams crumble away, our loved ones suffer, natural disasters will not sleep, wars continue, the saints are persecuted. And still, You appear to us and say, “Peace be with you.” Help us to believe that, even though the world seems inhospitable to us, You are King and Conqueror, and eternal life awaits us. Make us agents of peace, people who sow tranquility and joy. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer: Week of June 13, 2021

Lord, our Shepherd, we want for nothing. Thank you for all that You give us; thank you most of all for Your gift of Yourself. Help us, Lord, not to worry about tomorrow, but rather to make known our requests by prayer and in full recognition of the fact that You love us. Teach us to live with humble means and in prosperity. Strengthen us and grant us the peace and joy that surpass all understanding. The world may distract us and cause us sorrow, but the heart that is glad because of You is a continual feast. All for Continue reading Prayer: Week of June 13, 2021

Prayer: Week of Feb 28, 2021

God of Jacob, Lord of heavenly armies, you are our refuge and our strength in trying times. Even if the whole world is shaken, you remain solid and sovereign. When we fear that we won’t have what we need tomorrow, you are for us the still stream of the water of life. Lord, our hearts turn so easily to numerous other solutions. Help us to stop and to contemplate your splendour. Help us to acknowledge you in all our ways. You are God, and we are your dear children. Thanks to you, nothing can make us waver. Amen.