Book Published (French): A Guided Reader of the Greek Text of 1-3 John

After more than 2 years of development, my guided reader of the Greek text of 1-3 John for French speakers is finally ready. (The Lulu version is better quality, but costs more to ship.) Greek Text with Aids On the left, the Greek text is accompanied by French glosses for less common words and grammatical explanations for more challenging constructions. Margins and generous line spacing allow direct annotations to the text. On the right, readers have space for writing out their own translation and additional notes. Parsing and Glossary The book also contains a few helpful appendices. Especially helpful are Continue reading Book Published (French): A Guided Reader of the Greek Text of 1-3 John

2 Sermons (French) on 1 John

I had the opportunity to continue my series on 1 John 1-2 for the Église Réformée St-Jean in Montréal. February 2, 2025 Title: L’amour du Père ou l’amour du mondeText: 1 John 2:12-17 March 2, 2025 Title: L’Esprit et la véritéText: 1 John 2:18-27

4 Sermons (French) on 1 John

This short series on 1 John 1-2 was preached for the Église Réformée St-Jean in Montréal. April 14, 2024 Title: Notre communionText: 1 John 1:1-4 April 21, 2024 Title: Dieu est lumièreText: 1 John 1:5-10 May 5, 2024 Title: Nous avons un défenseur auprès du PèreText: 1 John 2:1-2 May 12, 2024 Title: L’amour de Dieu porté à son butText: 1 John 2:3-6

Published Article: “Worse Than a Curse: The Meaning and Syntax of ḥērem in Malachi 3:24 [4:6]”

My latest article, dealing with the last verse of Malachi, was published by Journal for Semitics on August 8, 2023. Those with access can read the article online here: Abstract In the history of the interpretation of Malachi, the word ḥērem which closes the book has been analysed in four different ways by translators and commentators, namely as a second object, an adverbial of means, an adverbial intensive, and a resultative secondary predicate. This article examines the four options and proposes the resultative analysis, hitherto only unambiguously attested in the Peshitta OT, as the best interpretation. This leads to the conclusion Continue reading Published Article: “Worse Than a Curse: The Meaning and Syntax of ḥērem in Malachi 3:24 [4:6]”

Book in Progress: A Guided Greek Reader for 1-3 John

I am very excited about this project. This Greek Reader (written in French) is primarily for students who have finished a first year of New Testament Greek and who are eager to dive into the biblical text during the summer before their intermediate courses begin in the fall. That said, I believe that many other people at a range of Greek levels could also benefit. Here is a sneak preview of the first few verses of 1 John (final formatting decisions have not yet been made). Notice the three parts from top to bottom: The Greek text with some space Continue reading Book in Progress: A Guided Greek Reader for 1-3 John