Prayer: Week of September 12, 2021

Righteous Judge of all the earth, You see everything and You weight our hearts. The sins that we repeat every day are there before you. If You were not also gracious, this fact would lead us into despair, for it is impossible to escape You. O compassionate God, slow to anger, and rich in steadfast love, forgive us! Every day is a for us a failure. Every day is for us an occasion for grace. Do not abandon us to our temptations, but transform us. Replace our disordered desires with a thirst for the eternal God. In the name of Continue reading Prayer: Week of September 12, 2021

Prayer: Week of September 5, 2021

Shepherd of our hearts, pursue us and do not forget us. Like sheep, we go astray throughout this life and we are in danger of losing ourselves on some unknown path, of falling suddenly into a pit, and of being devoured by savage beasts. These are but images, but the reality is just as dangerous. We are naive, even twisted, and we need Your wisdom. We are feeble and we need Your deliverance. Born into this world without God, we need the love of Jesus that comes to save us and transform us. Amen.

Prayer: Week of August 29, 2021

Father Almighty, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, give us ears to hear the Word that You have revealed for us. At our feet, You have placed two paths: the path of our own obstinate hearts and the path of life. Your Word is not far off – thank you God! It is near to us. But we must listen to it and put it into practice. How can we do it? How can we turn away from the idols of our hearts? We need Your love, the love that Jesus has modelled for us by His obedience unto death. Continue reading Prayer: Week of August 29, 2021

Prayer: Week of August 22, 2021

Lord, You are greater than the politicians of this earth, greater than the gods of the nations, greater than our science and our culture. You are wholly other. You are beyond our understanding. That is why You have revealed Your character through the prophets and by becoming a man, Jesus Christ. That is why you forbid us from serving You in our own way. Guide us, Lord, by Your Spirit and through Your Word, that we may better know You and serve You. Produce in us Your very own holiness so that our neighbours may see how great and just Continue reading Prayer: Week of August 22, 2021

Prayer: Week of August 15, 2021

Creator of all things, in the beginning You were there, and nothing at all that exists can possibly exist apart from You. You reign over all the earth, all the galaxies, and all the spirits. You keep watch over everything, and nothing escapes You. The entire history of the world is in Your hands; all of creation is firm, even if things appear otherwise to us, and even if the end appears to have found us out. Lord, shore up our fearful heart. We believe, only help our unbelief. Give us the courage to undertake Your will again today, and Continue reading Prayer: Week of August 15, 2021

Prayer: Week of August 8, 2021

King of Kings, You who give authority to the governments of this world, have pity on those who govern and on those who are governed. Give us, at every level of our society, a government that is competent, efficient, and compassionate. Give them the wisdom necessary for the task, as well as a heart disposed to do what is right and to protect those who are vulnerable. Lead us to pray regularly for our leaders and for our communities. For those who are not Christians, Lord, we pray that You would save them. Show them just how good and righteous Continue reading Prayer: Week of August 8, 2021

Prayer: Week of August 1, 2021

Prince of Peace, guard our hearts and our minds. Tomorrow’s food escapes us, our dreams crumble away, our loved ones suffer, natural disasters will not sleep, wars continue, the saints are persecuted. And still, You appear to us and say, “Peace be with you.” Help us to believe that, even though the world seems inhospitable to us, You are King and Conqueror, and eternal life awaits us. Make us agents of peace, people who sow tranquility and joy. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer: Week of July 25, 2021

O, Lord of Hosts, how is it possible that those who hate You lift their heads and attack Your people? Are You not the most powerful? Do You not love those who love You? Hear the cries of the innocent, Lord, and rise to save both the feeble and the misguided. Regarding the victims, hide them and give them wings with which to flee. Regarding the guilty, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Cause their plans to fail catastrophically. May they be ashamed. May they see the futility of their lives that they may seek Your name, Continue reading Prayer: Week of July 25, 2021