Prayer: Week of May 30, 2021

Our Father, thank you for our life. It is thanks to you that even the smallest sparks exist, and we too are your creation. Quite honestly, life is sometimes hard, and sometimes we even regret the day of our birth. But the whole earth is full of Your glory. Help us, Lord, to see what is there to see and to rejoice in it. Give us a profound joy in contemplating your goodness and your perfect character. Encourage us to fix our gaze on Jesus and His victory and to draw from it an unshakeable and Spirit-invigorated hope. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Jan 31, 2021

God, our Father, thank you for the huge family that you have given us. Some of us have left behind our parents, our brothers and sisters, our friends to follow you, but we are not thereby without loved ones. Rather, we are rich in Christ, our brother. You take strangers and you make dear brothers and sisters out of them for us. Help us, Lord, to also be loyal and loving family members, praying for your children and giving of our time and of our goods to meet their needs. For your glory. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Nov 22, 2020

God, our heavenly Father, thanks. Thanks for having so loved us that you adopted us as your own children. In the world without you, we were at the mercy of the devil and of dangerous wolves. We were dirty because of our sins, like orphans that no one loves and without hope. We did not know the truth, and we were incapable of understanding it. But there was one who loved us always – you did. In your Son, Jesus Christ, you showed us your infinite grace. In your Holy Spirit, you enabled us to love you. Thanks. Amen.