Prayer: Week of August 1, 2021

Prince of Peace, guard our hearts and our minds. Tomorrow’s food escapes us, our dreams crumble away, our loved ones suffer, natural disasters will not sleep, wars continue, the saints are persecuted. And still, You appear to us and say, “Peace be with you.” Help us to believe that, even though the world seems inhospitable to us, You are King and Conqueror, and eternal life awaits us. Make us agents of peace, people who sow tranquility and joy. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer: Week of July 25, 2021

O, Lord of Hosts, how is it possible that those who hate You lift their heads and attack Your people? Are You not the most powerful? Do You not love those who love You? Hear the cries of the innocent, Lord, and rise to save both the feeble and the misguided. Regarding the victims, hide them and give them wings with which to flee. Regarding the guilty, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Cause their plans to fail catastrophically. May they be ashamed. May they see the futility of their lives that they may seek Your name, Continue reading Prayer: Week of July 25, 2021

Prayer: Week of July 18, 2021

Jesus, You who have conquered death, be for us a force against the challenges of life. We are commanded to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep. We pray for those who are afflicted in every way that You would sustain them; for those who are perplexed, that You would give them hope; for those who are persecuted, that You would be present with them in a concrete way; for those who are struck down, that You would guard their lives. May Your life be manifested in us for the salvation of those who are Continue reading Prayer: Week of July 18, 2021

Prayer: Week of July 11, 2021

Jesus, Son of God, High Priest, come to our aid. Life is difficult for us, temptations are numerous, and we doubt Your goodness. Have mercy on us and do not crush us. Remember that we are but flesh animated by a temporary breath. You know well our weaknesse. Forgive us our discontent and our doubt. Carry us when we can no longer walk on our own. Give us that precious faith that leads to eternal life. For You are the King and You have overcome the invisible powers, and yet You remain humble and gentle. Amen.

Prayer: Week of July 4, 2021

Eternal God, Giver of Life, Source of all good things, satisfy all our desires. In this world, we are surrounded by good things that attract our gaze, but show us just how much more wonderful you are. Sometimes we are also seduced by what sparkles in a twisted way; deliver us from this bondage to sin. The Spirit of Christ in us testifies to Your greatness and to Your excellence. Nothing in this world can be compared to You. You are our portion and our inheritance, and therefore we are the richest of all people. To You be the glory, Continue reading Prayer: Week of July 4, 2021

Prayer: Week of June 27, 2021

Good Shepherd, watch over us during the long nights. So easily do we feel alone. We forget the good that You have done to us. We lose sight of Your mighty works, those moments in our lives when we proclaimed without any doubt that it was You who had produced a miracle for us. But the darkness makes us forget the past. Hunger, sickness, difficulties – all these cause us to doubt Your goodness; all these cause us to doubt Your love and Your promises. Give us courage and perseverance. Forgive us our mistrust. Draw us in once again by Continue reading Prayer: Week of June 27, 2021

Prayer: Week of June 20, 2021

O, Great King, I want to go home to Your eternal halls. Your servant is weary; the task is too difficult; the reward too meagre. Is it really the end of all tears and all sorrows? Will our pain in toiling be over. Will we truly see You face to face? It sounds like gain to me. Yet, to live is Christ. It is to give myself in love for others, so that in the end we, as Your Church, may gain some. For their sake, it is more necessary for me to remain, and to toil, and to be Continue reading Prayer: Week of June 20, 2021

Prayer: Week of June 13, 2021

Lord, our Shepherd, we want for nothing. Thank you for all that You give us; thank you most of all for Your gift of Yourself. Help us, Lord, not to worry about tomorrow, but rather to make known our requests by prayer and in full recognition of the fact that You love us. Teach us to live with humble means and in prosperity. Strengthen us and grant us the peace and joy that surpass all understanding. The world may distract us and cause us sorrow, but the heart that is glad because of You is a continual feast. All for Continue reading Prayer: Week of June 13, 2021

Prayer: Week of June 6, 2021

Master, Shepherd, Vinedresser, have pity on us. To the earth, you have given every seventh year to be a sabbatical rest. Where then is our rest? Are we not more precious than the earth? Do you not care about our wellbeing? Why must our daily bread come by toil and by the sweat of our brow? Lord, revive us, we who are exhausted, exhausted by work, by broken relationships, and by bad news. Help us to make good use of the weekly sabbath. Give us the satisfaction in our work that only God can give. Grant us the grace to Continue reading Prayer: Week of June 6, 2021

Praying from the Lord’s Prayer

In general, I find that we Christians are 1) quick to recognize that we are weak in prayer and 2) glad to learn more about prayer. We know quite well that prayer is incredibly important for our personal lives, but just how exactly do we go about conversation with the God of the universe? On the one hand, we feel the challenge of 1 Thessalonians 5:17: “pray without ceasing.” On the other hand, we receive the comfort offered by Romans 8:26: “In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, Continue reading Praying from the Lord’s Prayer