Prayer: Week of Jan 31, 2021

God, our Father, thank you for the huge family that you have given us. Some of us have left behind our parents, our brothers and sisters, our friends to follow you, but we are not thereby without loved ones. Rather, we are rich in Christ, our brother. You take strangers and you make dear brothers and sisters out of them for us. Help us, Lord, to also be loyal and loving family members, praying for your children and giving of our time and of our goods to meet their needs. For your glory. Amen.

2020 and the Coronavirus through the Eyes of Joel the Prophet

There is a sense in which the global pandemic has been good for us. Anything that can open our eyes to realities hidden or ignored must be reckoned as beneficial. Isn’t it true that we learned an important lesson in 2020? Like the Egyptians of old, mighty among the ancient nations, we have discovered that our scientific acumen and technological might is but small before the living God.1 We, like Pharaoh, might have continued to reckon ourselves gods over creation if not for a good slap on the face. Ten terrifying plagues brought mighty Egypt to its knees. One minuscule Continue reading 2020 and the Coronavirus through the Eyes of Joel the Prophet

Prayer: Week of Jan 24, 2021

Good and loyal Master, you have bought us for Yourself and we are your thankful servants. By your grace we are forgiven. By your grace we receive all that we need. Lord, do not allow us to forget your commandments, which are for our own good and for the good of the world. Do not allow us to neglect our responsibilities towards others. Life can become complicated and our situation can become more difficult, and yet we desire, for Your glory, to continue to shine as you commanded. Give us the strength, wisdom, and creativity to serve others. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Jan 17, 2021

Lord Jesus, our True Vine, You are the source of our life, of our joy, and of our love. We are the branches, and the Father prunes us, purifies us, so that we may produce the fruit of love and glorify Him in this world full of hatred. We know that we must abide in You, otherwise we dry out; but we need your grace. Give us an indefatigable love for Your very self; help us to reject the world and immerse ourselves ever deeper in Your Word. For the Father’s glory, and by the Holy Spirit’s power, amen.

Prayer: Week of Jan 10, 2021

Our Father, sovereign King over all the earth, have mercy upon us. We know, Lord, that you raise the weak and that you abase the boastful. We know that you bring to power governments that are just and unjust to accomplish your secret will. Today, we decry the wrongs committed by unjust governments throughout the world. Have mercy on the righteous, and do not allow unjust authorities to oppress them. Have mercy on the unrighteous, and lead them to repentance and to faith in Jesus Christ, in whom we have eternal life. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Jan 3, 2021

Eternal God, we pay homage to your wisdom, which surpasses our comprehension and even our imagination. What human would have imagined a plan of salvation like that revealed in Scripture? Who could imagine that the Almighty would come among us so as to be terribly mistreated by His creation? Lord, blessed be your name in all the earth! Give us the faith and courage to entrust ourselves to Your plan and to Your goodness. Often we cannot see what you are doing, but our night is light for you. Help us to trust in your wisdom. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Dec 27, 2020

O, Lord, Master of the armies of heaven, we sometimes feel so small. Whether it be before sickness, war, or injustice, Lord, we feel powerless. But if God is for us, who can be against us? In Jesus, You are victorious; in Jesus, we share Your victory. We can suffer, but not one thing in all the world can separate us from the love of Jesus. What grace to become hyper-conquerors with You and to share Your glory! May the Spirit guide us to do Your will each day, whether it be easy or difficult. All for Your glory. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Dec 20, 2020

Dear eternal God, what a marvel to contemplate your glory and your might confined to a mortal body! We can but imagine the awe and wonder of those who held the eternal Son in their arms, or of those who sat with the Creator of all things to eat bread, at the moment when they understood that something extraordinary was happening before their mortal eyes. What joy to contemplate, even imperfectly, our future in the new earth beside Jesus our Lord, the Master who became a friend. Thank you. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Prayer: Week of Dec 13, 2020

God, our Saviour, what an honour to be counted among your children! Fill us with joy, knowing that nothing can separate us from your eternal and indestructible love. In this world we suffer, but not forever! There will be an end to what troubles us; end to sorrow; end, even, to death. Help us, Lord, to wait joyfully for the new world you promise us, where we will finally be like Jesus, our brother. Give us joy, knowing that victory is certain and that the celebration will be glorious. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, amen.