Prayer: Week of May 30, 2021

Our Father, thank you for our life. It is thanks to you that even the smallest sparks exist, and we too are your creation. Quite honestly, life is sometimes hard, and sometimes we even regret the day of our birth. But the whole earth is full of Your glory. Help us, Lord, to see what is there to see and to rejoice in it. Give us a profound joy in contemplating your goodness and your perfect character. Encourage us to fix our gaze on Jesus and His victory and to draw from it an unshakeable and Spirit-invigorated hope. Amen.

Prayer: Week of May 23, 2021

Fearsome and almighty God, deliver us from that deadly danger, the fear of man. We sometimes fear what others may think of us, or we fear that someone may harm us for doing what is right. That fear can paralyze us, make us useless, and even put us in eternal danger. Lord, come rescue us. Show us Your glory. Give us confidence in Your promises. We need true courage, the courage toward the world that is born out of the fear of the Lord, which is also true wisdom. Set us free from false fears. In the name of Jesus. Continue reading Prayer: Week of May 23, 2021

Prayer: Week of May 16, 2021

Lord, Giver of Life, give us the strength to persevere and the joy of participating in Your miraculous work. You have the words of eternal life. Write those words on our hearts. Transform us into righteous people. Make our mouth into a fountain of life. In this world there are traps everywhere, lying lips, toxic pleasures – everything that leads on the road of death. Protect us from those false gods and from those false solutions. Satisfy us with Yourself and fill us with overflowing life, that we may attract our neighbours to the True Life. Amen.

Prayer: Week of May 9, 2021

God Most High, glory be to Your name, and not to us. Too often we desire to receive the glory or to come first, but the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty belong to You. Give us a humble spirit, without vanity or arrogance. Enable us to value others above ourselves. Fill us with joy to see our brothers and sisters succeed and, what’s more, to help them succeed. May our lives be a song of praise, different every day, and every day more beautiful. In the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Prayer: Week of May 2, 2021

Lord Jesus, you gave us these words: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” What a challenge, Lord! We give you thanks, because you are effecting the impossible in our hearts, where you have come to dwell. Transform us so that we may love the way you loved us and give ourselves the way you gave yourself for us. Make us generous people. Grant us your own mercy so that we may forgive those who have trespassed against us. Give us the grace to take what is in ruins and restore it. All for your glory. Amen.

Prayer: Week of April 25, 2021

Only and everlasting God, King of kings, Lord of lords, protect us from the grievous and very human tendency to create gods after our own image or according to our limited conceptions. The sin of the golden calf at Mount Sinai is never far from the human heart. Illuminate Your holy Word for us and give us the desire to understand and obey it. Help us to fix our concentration on Jesus, who is the ultimate revelation of Your nature and character. Father, we want to worship you in spirit and in truth. Grant us that grace for Your glory. Continue reading Prayer: Week of April 25, 2021

Prayer: Week of April 18, 2021

God, Almighty and three times holy, grant us a vision of Your splendour and perfection that will bedazzle us. Like the Israelites, who were afraid to approach the mountain, give us a reasonable fear of Your immeasurable power. Like Isaiah, who was terrified to stand in Your sacred presence, give us a zealous respect for the rift that separates us from your absolute purity. Lord, how can we approach You?! Glory be to Your name, You have come toward us in Jesus, the God-Man, who is our perfect intermediary. Thank you forever for the honour of being Your children. Amen.

Prayer: Week of April 11, 2021

Lord Jesus, You who are both perfect according to Your divinity and perfectly ordinary according to Your humanity, have pity on us. We will encounter failure, that is certain. We will trip, and even hurt ourselves. Do not forget that we are feeble and easily discouraged. Give us the grace to pass through the trials of life without bitterness and without discouragement. Help us to see the good that you have stored up for us, even in our failures. Fill us with joy, knowing that in You we have the ultimate victory. Glory be to Your name. Amen.

Prayer: Week of April 4, 2021

Risen Lord, master of life, glory be to Your name in all the earth. May the playful otters dance in the water for Your glory; may the majestic eagles soar above tall mountains for Your glory; may the bright green trees grow towards the sky for Your glory. Finally, Lord, may our hearts be disposed to praise You by our deeds, to glorify You in our thoughts, to proclaim Your supremacy and Your goodness in every tiny sound that flows over our lips. All life is Yours, Lord. Give us the grace to acknowledge You as King forever and ever. Continue reading Prayer: Week of April 4, 2021

Prayer: Week of March 28, 2021

Heavenly Father, Jesus said that those who are truly His brothers and sisters are those who do your will. He also said that the big difference between the wise person and the fool is that the first puts the Word of God into practice, while the second one merely listens to it without changing anything whatsoever in his or her life. Give us, Lord, the wisdom and the prudence to love Your Word and to put it into practice. It is such a huge gift to be called your children. Protect us and fill us with joy. All this for Continue reading Prayer: Week of March 28, 2021