Prayer: Week of Dec 6, 2020

Holy Spirit, you who give life, come again to refresh your Church. Distracted in the world, we are feeble and dry. Direct us again to concentrate on Jesus, the living Word, who is our life and our salvation, who is love itself. Give us the desire to follow Jesus, both in His triumph and in His suffering. Direct us to the mission that Jesus left us, for the sake of those who have not yet tasted immortality and who are fixated upon that which cannot satisfy. Refresh us. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Nov 29, 2020

God Almighty, you who created all things and who have made possible both our salvation and eternal life, give us the humility that befits us as human beings. Without the goodness that you pour out over all people, we could neither eat, nor learn, nor invent. By your grace alone is anything possible for us, and we desire to live in complete acknowledgement of this truth. The work accomplished is by your grace. The growth of your Church is by your grace. The heart touched by your Word is by your grace. Continue, Lord, to work through us. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Nov 22, 2020

God, our heavenly Father, thanks. Thanks for having so loved us that you adopted us as your own children. In the world without you, we were at the mercy of the devil and of dangerous wolves. We were dirty because of our sins, like orphans that no one loves and without hope. We did not know the truth, and we were incapable of understanding it. But there was one who loved us always – you did. In your Son, Jesus Christ, you showed us your infinite grace. In your Holy Spirit, you enabled us to love you. Thanks. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Nov 15, 2020

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, eternal God and Creator of the universe, we give you thanks for the work that is ours to do. For those who have none, Lord, we pray that you would give them good and satisfying work that allows them to earn their living. For those who do have, we pray that you would give them the grace, strength, and wisdom to labour well and to render the glory to you daily. For those who have too much, we pray that you would grant them the regular respite they need. All for your glory. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Nov 8, 2020

God, our Saviour, we pray for those who do harm in this world and who have the desire in their heart to do harm. By such harm, they make of us their enemies. We pray, Lord, that you would give us a powerful love for these people. They are lost, often without knowing it, and they need your grace. We pray that you would work in their hearts by your Holy Spirit and that you would send them witnesses to your Word. Save them, Lord. The impossible is possible for you. All for your glory. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Nov 1, 2020

God, our Judge, you who are both perfectly just and perfect love, have mercy on us. We deserve your anger. We deserve eternal punishment. We see it in the news and on social media; we see how we can be so mean and hateful; we see how we hurt and speak badly of others who are different from us. Even in silence our hearts fester. We have no defence. We are all guilty. Our only hope is the sacrifice of Jesus; He who is alone without fault. Forgive us, great Judge, for the love of your Son. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Oct 25, 2020

Lord, Light of the nations, you who are at once love and wisdom, guide us in these uncertain times. Life becomes complicated everywhere; everywhere there is sickness, everywhere there is politics. As individuals, we need your wisdom. As neighbourhoods, cities, regions, provinces, and countries, we need your wisdom. Give us some of your infinite love that we may better love our neighbour in concrete ways during these murky times. Give us some of your stunning light that we may present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are blind without knowing it. All for your glory. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Oct 18, 2020

Good Shepherd, you who made the earth and permitted us to roam it from end to end, and to find, either your glory, or our destruction, according to the affections of our hearts, do not abandon us. Come, Lord, and search us out wherever we are lost. Protect us from the carnivores who want nothing but to devour us. Show us the right path and guide us at every step so that we do not misstep again. Give us food and drink; refresh us and show us pure joy. We so want to sing your goodness among the nations. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Oct 11, 2020

Lord Jesus, you who so loved us that you were ready to trade away everything to acquire us; to attract us to yourself, cleanse us from our filthiness, reclothe us in pure garments, and guide us by the hand – give us now, today, the grace to be able, we too, to die to ourselves; to be able to trade away our own advantage for the advantage of others, those near and those far away. By your grace did we begin this journey, and by your grace alone will we continue. It is for your glory that we ask this. Continue reading Prayer: Week of Oct 11, 2020