Published Article: Secondary Predicates in Biblical Hebrew

I was pleasantly surprised to receive this book in the mail today: Yes, the subject matter is of personal interest. However, I admit to having an even greater personal interest in Chapter 10 of this collection, entitled “Argument Sharing Secondary Predicates in Biblical Hebrew.” The article is the fruit of my dissertation work and the combination of two conference presentations that I gave in 2018 in Jerusalem and Denver. My article can be read on my page or on Brill’s website (for those with access).

Prayer: Week of March 21, 2021

Creator of all things – of mighty volcanoes, tiny mustard seeds, and the mysteries of outer space – we recognize our powerlessness and our ignorance before You. Judge of all hearts, we recognize our inability to perfectly understand and follow the paths which you have established. Give us both a deep humility and an unlimited curiosity, so that we may better rejoice in the beauty and the genius of the cosmos. Give us a repentant heart, so that we may always find our way back to You in gladness. Blessed be Your name in all the earth. Amen.

Prayer: Week of March 14, 2021

El-Roi, the God who sees us, we thank You for Your faithfulness toward us. You know our joys and our sorrows; You know our successes and our failures. Give us this day our daily bread, grace, and courage. Help us not to worry about tomorrow, but rather to trust in Your goodness. We do not see our tomorrow as You can see it, and so we walk by faith. Lord, strenthen our faith. We believe, but come help our unbelief nonetheless. The kingdom, power, and glory are Yours. Amen.

Prayer: Week of March 7, 2021

Heavenly Father, we sometimes feel all alone in this world. We know that You are there with us, even in us by the Holy Spirit, but we are creatures of flesh. It does us good to see with our eyes and to touch with our hands. We thank You for the people who have shown us Your love in a concrete way. We thank You for our parents, for our friends, and for our colleagues. Most of all, Lord, we thank You for the family of God, for those strangers who have become our brothers and our sisters. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Feb 28, 2021

God of Jacob, Lord of heavenly armies, you are our refuge and our strength in trying times. Even if the whole world is shaken, you remain solid and sovereign. When we fear that we won’t have what we need tomorrow, you are for us the still stream of the water of life. Lord, our hearts turn so easily to numerous other solutions. Help us to stop and to contemplate your splendour. Help us to acknowledge you in all our ways. You are God, and we are your dear children. Thanks to you, nothing can make us waver. Amen.

Memorizing God’s Word

Psalm 1:3 says that the person who meditates on God’s teaching is “like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither” (ESV). One of the best things that I have ever done is to memorize an entire book of the Bible. It was the spring of 2010 and I was mowing the lawns of Capernwray Harbour, a Bible school in British Columbia. I chose 1 John, because the book is short and because I found it compelling. Every day I would memorize five verses. During the day, while Continue reading Memorizing God’s Word

Prayer: Week of Feb 21, 2021

Holy Spirit, Master and Vivifier of the Church, transform us completely. Make us, Jesus’ disciples, into an unshakeable unity in this fragmented world. Give us the inexhaustible desire to love our neighbour the way that Jesus loves us. Put in us a heart of prayer and a spirit of patience. God is at work. We know it. Help us to wait for Him, to slow down enough to see Him in action. Help us to live the life of prayer and not simply to sprinkle prayer over a mediocre life. May our desire be for the Lord Himself. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Feb 14, 2021

Eternal God, You have always been and You will always exist. You are stability itself. We, however, are fragile. We are made of flesh that cannot last. We sweat and we fall. We strive to understand the great mysteries of creation. Our end is always before us, preoccupying us. Do not forget us. Hold us so that we do not fall. Make us strong in faith so that we do not waver. You are our stability. You are our assurance. You are the Alpha and the Omega, He who is and who was and who is to come, always. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Feb 7, 2021

Living God, Your Word is the truth. We are conscious of the falsehood of human beings. All have gone astray from your straight path. By means of lies, the poor are oppressed. Because of our shame, we hide ourselves by means of lies. It is a nauseating cycle. Lord, forgive us our deviation from the truth. Transform us by your Word so that we may also speak the truth and that by the truth peace would reign and that the oppressed would be delivered. All for your glory. Amen.

Prayer: Week of Jan 31, 2021

God, our Father, thank you for the huge family that you have given us. Some of us have left behind our parents, our brothers and sisters, our friends to follow you, but we are not thereby without loved ones. Rather, we are rich in Christ, our brother. You take strangers and you make dear brothers and sisters out of them for us. Help us, Lord, to also be loyal and loving family members, praying for your children and giving of our time and of our goods to meet their needs. For your glory. Amen.